A live storytelling event for women in Bayside, Melbourne

A place to share true stories of lived experiences, to speak and be witnessed, to listen and be entertained, and feel a deeper connection to our lives and each other.

The Story Nights Story

I discovered a passion for storytelling after deciding I wanted to be a public speaker. I’ve journeyed with some pretty big experiences in my life, and once I was able to come back up for air, I had an urge to speak about it, a kind of public service announcement. Along the way, I dumped the idea of becoming a public speaker and practiced becoming a storyteller instead.

I believe that all too often in today’s world there isn’t acknowledgment for the road we’ve travelled, the things we’ve achieved or the challenges we’ve endured. It can feel like there’s no place or space for women’s experiences, our learned wisdom - our stories. When I began to explore my personal stories with the intention to share them with others, I discovered a greater depth of meaning for what I’d survived. Understanding. Compassion. Acceptance.

Sharing a story of your lived experiences is a gift to the audience and it’s a gift to yourself. It can bring greater meaning to our lives, helping us to make sense of our place in the world and allowing us to discover who we are on a deeper level.

Sharing our stories brings us together. So often I see myself in the stories that other women tell and in that I find a sense of belonging.

I’ve told stories on many stages including Story Wise Women, The Moth and Generation Women and since none of them were close to my home, I decided to bring storytelling to Bayside and launched Story Nights in April 2023.

I do hope to meet you at a Story Night soon. I’d love to hear your story because your story matters.
